of bits in the subnet and in the node in your network are shown. In the example
here, this equates to 18-bits allocated to the Subnet and 6-bits allocated to the
Node. For information on subaddressing, see “Subnetworks and Subnet Masks”
on page 6
Now enter your local internet address by entering information in the network ID
(Net), Subnetwork ID (Subnet), and Host ID (Node) fields. The information is
entered in these fields in decimal format. In our example the local IP address
in the more normal dotted decimal format was This information was
entered as follows: 9 in the
field, 5399 in the
field and 22 in the
field. The example below shows how these numbers are derived from the
dotted decimal IP address once the internet address has been divided into Net,
Subnet and Node:
The arithmetic involved in converting a dotted decimal address to the
required decimals for the subnet and node can be tedious. If you are
unsure of the value to put here, enter what you think it should be and
click on OK. An IP address will be displayed (corresponding to the
numbers you have entered) in the more normal dotted decimal format on
the previous panel. By now correcting the IP Address on this panel, and
again (do not press the Enter key after correcting the IP
address), you will see that the Macintosh has calculated the correct
Subnet and Node values on the next panel.
Once you are satisfied with this, click on OK and you are returned to the first
panel where your IP address is shown in dotted decimal format.
Having completed the above, close the MacTCP control panel and start the
Macintosh again.
2. The Macintosh host table information is configured with the third panel. Select
the SNAvps TCP/5250 option from the Apple Menu control panels option. Add
host names and addresses as required. Click on ADD to add a name entered to
the table.
To start a TN5250 session:
1. Select TCP/IP with SNAvps 5250 from the SNAvps folder.
2. Select
from the menu bar
3. Select
from the menu bar
4. Select a
Connection Type
of 5250 Access/TCP.
5. Select the required host name from the list of configured
9 | 5 | 69 | 214
00001001 00000101 01000101 11010110
Net (class A) | Subnet (255.255.192) | Node
9 | 5399 | 22
Figure 119. Class A Network Example
Chapter 6. Telnet Server 185