First, we transfer the file P162484 SAVF310L from our VM A disk to the AS/400. VM
FTP requires that we insert a period between its file name and file type. We give it
the file name P162484 in library P162484 on the AS/400, and specify REPLACE as
it has been pre-created even if it has not been used before. You will recall that
pre-creation is mandatory with NAMEFMT 0.
We then change the NAMEFMT to 1, and repeat the file transfer using the new
name format. Once again we specify REPLACE as the file exists from the previous
Notes about transferring save files:
1. If we had not pre-created the file on the AS/400 before performing the transfer
with NAMEFMT 0, the transfer would have appeared to have completed
satisfactorily. However, on inspection of the file on the AS/400, it would be seen
that a physical file (PF) has been created and not a save file (SAVF).
2. Some preprocessing may be necessary on the VM system depending on how
the save file was sent to VM:
v If FTP was used to send the save file to VM, you can just issue a GET
subcommand to transfer it back to the AS/400.
v If the Send Network File (SNDNETF) command was used to send the save
file to VM, it is first necessary to convert the file on the VM system from a
record format (RECFM) of variable to a RECFM of fixed before using FTP to
transfer it back to the AS/400. To do this, use the COPYFILE command on
VM. For example:
Transferring HFS Files
The transfer type must be set to IMAGE (using the TYPE I or BINARY
subcommand) when transferring HFS files.
The directory entry attributes of HFS files are not transferred. Default attributes are
assigned by the particular HFS file system (for example, QDLS file system) when
the file is written at the receiving AS/400 system. These defaulted attributes may
not be the same as those on the sending AS/400 system.
> GET P162484.SAVF310L P162484/P162484 (REPLACE
200 Port request OK.
150 Sending file 'P162484.SAVF310L'
250 Transfer completed successfully.
384912 bytes transferred in 3.625 seconds. Transfer rate 106.183 KB/sec
> namefmt 1
202 SITE not necessary; you may proceed
Client NAMEFMT is 1.
> GET P162484.SAVF310L/QSYS.LIB/P162484.LIB/P162484.savf (REPLACE
200 Port request OK.
150 Sending file 'P162484.SAVF310L'
250 Transfer completed successfully.
384912 bytes transferred in 3.569 seconds. Transfer rate 107.839 KB/sec
Enter an FTP subcommand.
Figure 170. Transferring a save file from VM to AS/400 using NAMEFMT 0 and NAMEFMT 1
260 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4