To end the TCP/IP connections, press the Enter key from the Confirm End of
TCP/IP Connections display.
If you decide not to end a TCP/IP connection or if you want to change your choices,
press F12 (Cancel).
Working with Configuration Status
To work with the line description used by an interface:
1. On the Work with TCP/IP Interface Status menu, type 12 in the option field for
each interface that you want to work with.
2. Press the Enter key.
This option issues the WRKCFGSTS (Work with Configuration Status) command for
the line description associated with the interface. Using the options shown in
Figure 42 on page 64 you can vary a line description on or off, display the Work
with Job menu, and display the line description or mode status.
This option cannot be used for IP over SNA interfaces because IP over SNA does
not use specific line descriptions.
Confirm End of TCP/IP Connections
System: SYSNAM04
Local internet address ...........: *ALL
Press Enter to confirm your choices for 4=End.
Press F12 to return to change your choices.
Remote Remote Local Local
Opt Address Port Address Port Type
4 1024 telnet *TCP
F11=Display connection state F12=Cancel F14=Display port numbers
F22=Display entire field
Figure 41. Confirm End of TCP/IP Connections
Chapter 3. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics 63