LG Electronics MFL67696601 Cell Phone User Manual

SmartShare uses DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) technology to
share digital content through a wireless network. Both devices must be
DLNA certified to support this feature.
To turn SmartShare on and allow sharing contents
1. From the Home screen, touch the Apps Key > SmartShare .
2. Touch the Menu Key
> Settings.
3. Touch Discoverable to checkmark it to allow your device to be detected
by other devices.
Checkmark Always accept requests if you would like to automatically
accept sharing requests from other devices.
Checkmark Receive files if you would like to allow other devices to
upload media files to your phone.
Make sure that the microSD card is correctly mounted and the Receive files option in the
Settings menu is checkmarked.
4. Under the SHARED CONTENTS section, touch to checkmark the types of
content you would like to share. Choose from Photos, Videos, and Music.
5. SmartShare is now activated and ready to share the available content
type(s) you selected for sharing.
To control your renderer devices
Let your renderer device (e.g., TV) play multimedia contents from your
remote content library (e.g., PC).
Make sure that the DLNA functionality of your devices are properly configured (e.g., TV
and PC).
1. From the Home screen, touch the Apps Key > SmartShare .
2. Touch the To icon at the top right of the screen, then touch the device you
want to use from the renderer device list.
3. Touch the From icon
at the top left of the screen, then touch the device
that has your
remote content library.