Hide keyboard: Checkmark to hide the keyboard by swiping it
Fuzzy pinyin: Checkmark to automatically correct common pinyin
mistakes. Touch
to select various settings.
Software version: Displays the LG Keyboard software version.
Voice Search: Allows you to set voice search options.
Language: Allows you to select the Google search by voice language.
SafeSearch: Allows you to filter explicit search results. This option
only applies to Google search by voice.
Block offensive words: Checkmark to hide offensive voice results.
Personalized recognition: Checkmark to improve speech recognition
Google Account dashboard: Allows you to manage your collected
Text-to-speech output: Allows you to set the preferred speech engine
and other general settings.
Google Text-to-speech Engine: Select your preferred text-to-speech
engine. Touch
to set the language and other settings.
Speech rate: Allows you to set the speed at which the text is spoken.
Listen to an example: Plays a short demonstration of speech
Pointer speed: Allows you to set the pointer speed.
Backup & reset
This menu allows you to back up and erase your data.
Back up my data: Checkmark to back up application data, Wi-Fi
passwords, and other settings to Google servers.
Backup account: Allows you to select the account to use for backing up
data. You can also add an account.