278 Section 4A: Troubleshooting
I have problems sending email (IMAP and POP accounts)
If you are able to receive email messages but cannot send them, try the following:
ⅷ Turn on authentication (see “Set Up Email: Other Providers” on page 204). (Many email
providers require authenticated access, or ESMTP, to use their SMTP servers for outgoing
ⅷ Enter the name of a different outgoing mail server for sending mail (see “Set Up Email:
Other Providers” on page 204). (Many ISPs, such as cable companies, require that you
have an Internet connection to their network to send email through their servers. In this
case, you can almost always receive email from these accounts, but if you want to send
email, you must send it through another server. Contact Sprint for an outgoing mail server
option based on your Sprint account settings. In other cases, your ISP may be able to
provide you with the outgoing mail server settings required to send mail from your phone.)
After I receive messages, older messages disappear from my Inbox
When email sync takes place, the last three days’ worth of email messages are downloaded
from your mail server to your Inbox. All messages older than three days are removed from
your Inbox; they are not deleted on the server, however.
You can change the setting to download fewer than three days’ worth of messages (in which
case, more-recent messages are deleted from your Inbox), or to download all messages
regardless of the date (in which case all messages continue to appear in your Inbox) (see
“Enter Advanced Account Settings” on page 206).
I can’t tell if data services are available
Key Term 1xRTT (single-carrier [1x] radio transmission technology): A wireless
technology that can provide fast data transfer and Internet access, with
average speeds of 60-to-80Kbps and bursts of up to 144Kbps.