ALCATEL Mobile Phones 875T Cell Phone User Manual

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9 Applications ..........................................
9.1 WEB
WEB not only gives you the full Web experience where you stay in touch with your friends, obtain
information, do your online banking etc., but also saves time by using compressed web pages.
9.2 News
It is a huge time saver providing news updates from a website in a simple form.
Once subscribed to a channel, it gives you the ability to track and manage all your favorite RSS content
on your mobile phone at anytime, anywhere!
Available options:
Update Refresh the content of a channel.
Create channel Create a new channel with name and URL.
Delete Delete the channel.
Edit Edit the name or URL of a channel.
Update all Refresh all channels.
Settings Select a regular interval to retrieve updates automatically, set to show
pictures or not, as well as a WAP account to connect to.
Enable/Disable auto-
Activate auto-update or not to a channel.
Enable/Disable auto-
update all
Activate auto-update or not to all channels.
Send Share a channel with your friend by sending it by SMS, MMS or Email.
9.3 Weather
Your phone is equipped with a weather function for consulting up to 3-day forecasts of favorite cities.
You can access this feature from the main menu by selecting "Applications\Weather".
Select "" to access online website, which may charge extra fee.
Available options:
More information Search more weather information online.
Forecast Display 3-day weather forecast.
Update Refresh weather information.
My cities List all my cities, you can add new city, set default city, delete the selected city, etc.
via "My cities\Options".
Settings Set unit, update mode and network.
9.4 Java
9.4.1 Launch an application
Select "Applications" to launch applications.