Model 8690 User Guide (ITP Mode)
Performing a Search
NOTE: You must use the Web Client to use the Advanced Search function.
ALSO: Unified Communicator will automatically try to eliminate duplicate results from
the search results list. If the search matches an account, as well as one or more
devices owned by the account, the search results only display the matching account.
The type-ahead search function allows you to search for contacts, accounts, or
devices. The search function searches the following contact fields:
• first name
• middle name
• last name
• company
• device username
• device description
• device extension
Each search will match on the search text if it appears anywhere within one of the
above fields. For example, a search for “sc” would match on all of the following:
• Contact with First Name: Scott
• Contact with Last Name: Prescott
• Contact with Middle Name: Rosco
• Contact with Company: Bill’s Scooters
Search results appear in a table under the following columns as you type:
• Name: Indicates the type of contact displayed with an icon and the contact or
device name. If the contact is an account or a device in your address book, the
icon also indicates the current status. If the contact is an account or device that is
not in your address book, the icon indicates the result type, but it will indicate an
unknown status. The search area results may include one or more of the follow-
ing icons:
Account icons
Indicates that the status of the user is currently unknown. Press this icon
to retrieve a snapshot of the status. The snapshot reverts back to an unknown
state in approximately 30 seconds.
Indicates that a user is currently available.
Indicates that a user is currently unavailable.
Indicates that a user is currently on a call.