Getting started with administration
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 119
To administer Perceive
1 Check the status of Perceive.
A If the first view task displays Status - Online, Perceive is online. Your consumers
can display views, your analysts can build views, and you can change or
activate data sources. To bring Perceive offline, click
Take Perceive Offline.
B If the first view task displays Status - Offline, Perceive is offline. You can create,
change, or activate data sources, however consumers will not see views, only
the status message entered in the
Administration => Status message area.
C Select About to show version information.
2 Manage your data sources.
A Select the data source you want to manage to make changes to it.
B To make the data sources available, activate them. Refer to “Activating and
deactivating data sources” on page 143.
3 Organize your groups of computers.
A Select Create/Delete Groups to create, delete, or rename a group.
B Select Edit Groups to add and remove, and exclude computers from a group.
C Select View Groups to display the groups and their computers.
D Select Auto Generate Groups to divide all available computers into numbered
4 Select Perceive preferences.
A Select Configure Colors to change the color theme of Perceive. BMC Portal is the
default color scheme.
B Select Configure Banner to customize the top banner, the application name, icon,
e-mail address for feedback, and URL.
C Select Configure Logging to set the logging level of Perceive on the fly, so it is not
necessary to repeatedly restart Perceive.
5 To return to the Getting Started page, click the Home icon.