Preparing views the first time
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 125
New data sources are available through the Manage Packages task.
Making these packages optional, rather than activated by default, lets administrators
select only the platforms they wish to deploy.
Task Notes and Tips
Log on as an Administrator and go to
the Administration tab.
Administrator rights are specified during the
installation process; Administrator rights are
required for access to the build and administration
Activate packages
You must activate a package to manage
associated data sources, metrics, pre-defined
views, and reports. See “Task 1: Activate the
package” on page 126.
This applies only if you want to create views using
the new data sources. This step is not necessary to
create views using Distributed Systems data
sources, as Distributed Systems packages are
always active.
Create data sources based on your
You must create the data source for the package
that you activated. See “Task 2: Define the data
source for the package” on page 126.
Activate the data source. This discovers computers associated with the data
source and makes them available to the consumer
in the Computer drop-down list.
If you have multiple active packages, it
is recommended that you create
groups for each package.
Perform group functions by selecting the Groups of
Computers task category.
Enhanced option. You can also generate groups
automatically based on the package.
Edit the group and import only the
members from the new data source.
Enable views to make them visible to
the consumer. Optionally build new
views as needed in the Build Views tab,
and organize them into categories that
map to the same package.
Use the Create View wizard to add views with
metrics that are not available in one of the
pre-defined views.
See the online Help for the Create View wizard for
more details on creating, reviewing, and deploying
Select the view. Consumers can select the views created by analysts
and administrators on the Views tab.
With the exception of Distributed Systems, all packages are deactivated by default,
and must be activated according to the following process. Note also that you cannot
deactivate the Distributed Systems package.