18 Perceive Getting Started
■ All syntax, operating system terms, and literal examples are
presented in this typeface.
■ In instructions, boldface type highlights information that you enter. File names,
directories, and Web addresses also appear in boldface type.
■ The symbol => connects items in a menu sequence. For example, Actions => Create
instructs you to choose the Create Test command from the Actions menu.
■ The symbol » denotes one-step instructions.
■ In syntax, path names, or system messages, italic text represents a variable, as
shown in the following examples:
The table table_name is not available.
Notes provide additional information about the current subject.
Warnings alert you to situations that can cause problems, such as loss of data, if you do not
follow instructions carefully.
An example clarifies a concept discussed in text.
A tip provides useful information that may improve product performance or make
procedures easier to follow.