System information metric
160 Perceive Getting Started
The chart type used for each metric in a view is determined when the view is created.
For additional information, refer to “Building views” on page 101.
System information metric
The System Information metric provides basic information about the computer
system for which you are viewing data.
Configuration metrics
Configuration metrics provide information about the system's configuration during
the selected interval. If the selected time interval spans more than one configuration,
the System Info metric shows the most recent configuration for the specified interval.
Area Displays values in areas for the appropriate time periods.
Scatter Displays groups of values as individual points over time. Can be
used to determine clustering of values from multiple value series.
Stacked Bar Displays groups of values as stacked line graphs over time. The
sum of values is determined by the topmost line.
Summary Bar Displays values as vertical bars for the appropriate time periods
(dates or hours)
without the constraints of time-based axis.
Since these charts do not have a time axis, there can only be
one number per item. When viewing a chart with more than
one value per item, the values are summarized to a single
mean value.
Summary Pie Displays values as a circle for the appropriate time periods (dates or
without the constraints of time-based axis. Since these
charts do not have a time axis, there can only be one number
per item. When viewing a chart with more than one value per
item, the values are summarized to a single mean value.
Metric Description
SPEC RATING The specification rating.
Number of Processors The number of processors.
System Model The computer model.
Total Memory Size The amount of RAM, in megabytes.
OS Version Number The operating system version number.
Name The name of the computer.
Selected Date The name of the selected date.
Type The computer model type.
Chart type Description