Starting, stopping, and uninstalling on a UNIX system
54 Perceive Getting Started
Starting, stopping, and uninstalling on a UNIX
The following sections describe how to start, stop, and uninstall Perceive on a UNIX
Starting Perceive
To start Perceive in a UNIX environment, you must set the environment display
variable and start the Tomcat Web server, as described below. This procedure
assumes that you have two UNIX systems, one on which you have installed Perceive
(or, the Perceive server) and another that hosts an X server (or, the client machine).
To start Perceive
1 Log into the UNIX machine from your client machine.
2 Run the xhost command on the Perceive server from another shell on the client
machine. The command syntax is:
xhost + perceive-server-system.domain.com
where perceive-server-system.domain.com is the fully qualified name of the Perceive
3 If you have not already done so, log in to the Perceive server machine.
4 Set the DISPLAY variable on the server shell as follows:
export DISPLAY=myclient-system.domain.com
where myclient-system.domain.com is the fully qualified name of the client machine.
5 On the client machine, change to the Perceive Tomcat directory using the following
cd <installation directory>/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3
If your display environment variable is undefined, you might encounter problems viewing
charts and icons in your browser on UNIX systems. To prevent these problems, you must
set your display environment on the UNIX system before running Perceive.