Running Perceive Server on UNIX systems without graphical devices
Chapter 1 Installing Perceive 55
6 Start the Perceive Web server using the following command:
bin/perceive.sh start nohup
This command displays all the services that are running, that Perceive has
initialized Perceive, and that Tomcat has started. To verify that Perceive is running,
type the following command:
ps -ef | grep java | grep -v grep
Stopping Perceive on UNIX systems
To stop the Perceive Web server on UNIX systems, run bin perceive.sh stop from the
<installation directory>/CWA/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/bin directory.
For example,
/<installation directory>/CWA/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/bin/perceive.sh stop
If you want to use symbolic links,
/usr/adm/perceive_7.1.23/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/bin/perceive.sh stop
Running Perceive Server on UNIX systems without graphical
When running on a UNIX system, the Perceive server requires access to an X Server
display to produce most of its graphics, including charts within views, and some
icons and images. In certain situations, this dependency may present problems, such
■ If the Perceive administrator starts the Perceive Web server without setting the
DISPLAY environment variable to a valid X Server, none of the images and
graphics displays correctly.
■ If an Administrator starts Perceive without using the nohup option, users cannot
exit and log out of xterm.
■ Perceive stops serving the graphics.
■ Perceive cannot display views.
■ An “X” appears in place of the images.