
Top 10 jobs
Chapter 5 Perceive metrics 177
To p 10 j obs
This view provides information on the ten jobs with the highest CPU consumption,
the highest I/O rate or the highest interactive response time. It contains the following
Configuration metrics provide information about the system's configuration during
the selected interval across an iSeries. If the selected time interval spans more than
one configuration, the System Info metric shows the most recent configuration for the
specified interval.
Workload Interactive
Transaction Rate
Displays the workload interactive transaction rate for the
selected systems.
Units: Transaction/Hour
Default graph: Line
Workload Non-Interactive
Displays the workload non-interactive throughput on the
selected computers.
Units: Transaction/hour
Default graph: Line
Metric Description
Highest CPU Utilization
- Jobs
Displays the workload CPU utilization by system.
Units: Percent
Default graph: Stacked Bar
Highest Response Time
- Jobs
Displays the workload I/O rate for the selected system.
Units: Seconds
Default graph: Line
Highest I/O Rate - Jobs Displays the workload interactive transaction rate for the
selected systems.
Units: IO/sec
Default graph: Line