Collecting data from an agentless data source
142 Perceive Getting Started
Firewall-enabled remote agent data source access
Perceive gives you the option to access agentless proxy data through a firewall by
editing the
config.xml file, located in <tomcat_home>/webapps/qtv/WEB-INF/config.xml.
You can retrieve data from an agent outside a firewall in PATROL Performance
Assurance as long as the appropriate flag is set in the corresponding computer’s
property page (by right-clicking the computer icon in the console tree pane in
At least one proxy host agent is required outside the firewall to enable data retrieval
from agentless systems (using Windows) outside the firewall. The proxy host agent
can be discovered along with the agentless computers that are currently collected
during data source activation (through IP discovery). However, the firewall flag for
these agentless systems must be modified in the
config.xml file in Perceive after they
are discovered.
After you edit
config.xml, you must activate the data source so that the firewall setting
will take effect. No additional ports should be opened to validate that the firewall
handling is working correctly.
The following example shows a
config.xml file modified for an agent history data
source, with firewall configuration set to false:
<source id="TestProxy" type="Agent History Data" priority="10"
<property name="systemString"
The systemString property is a comma-separated list of computers created by the
discovery process. The computers that are found through a proxy host are encoded
with a plus sign (+) separated list that includes:
■ The computer name
■ The proxy host
■ The domain of the computer (or unknown)
■ The computer OS
■ False (system is outside the firewall)
To enable access to any computer outside the firewall, edit
config.xml and change
false to true for these computers.