
Accuracy— Estimated position accuracy in feet or meters.
Battery Timer— The estimated time left on the battery (before it will need to be recharged.
Bearing—The direction from your current location to a destination.
Course—The direction from your starting location to a destination.
Course to Steer— The recommended direction to steer in order to reduce cross-track error and return to the course line.
Cross Track— The distance you are off a desired course in either direction, left or right.
Depth—(Marine Only) The distance from the surface of the water to the bottom.
Distance (Destination)— The ‘great circle’ distance from current location to a Go To destination, or the fi nal waypoint in a route.
Distance (Next)— The ‘great circle’ distance from current location to a Go To destination, or the next waypoint in a route.
ETA (Destination)— Estimated Time of Arrival. The estimated time you will reach a Go To destination, or the fi nal waypoint in a route.
ETA (Next)— Estimate Time of Arrival. The estimated time you will reach a Go To destination, or the next waypoint in a route.
ETE (Destination)— Estimated Time Enroute. The estimated time required to reach a Go To destination, or the fi nal waypoint in a route.
ETE (Next)— Estimated Time Enroute. The estimated time required to reach a Go To destination, or the next waypoint in a route.
Elevation—(Marine and Automotive Only) The altitude (height) above or below sea level.
Location ( Lat/Lon)—Your current Latitude and Longitude in hdddº mm.mmm’ and WGS 84. (Trip computer only)
Location (Selected)—You current GPS location displayed in the format you selected in for the ‘ POSITION FORMAT’ fi eld in the Set Units Page. (Trip
computer only)
Max Speed—The maximum speed the unit has moved.
Next Course— The remaining distance of the route.
Next Turn—The remaining distance to the next waypoint on the route.
Pointer—(Marine and Automotive Only) Display a direction pointer.
Data Field Options
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