Main Menu
Heading – lets you select the reference used in calculating heading information. You can select from
‘Auto Mag Var’, ‘True’, ‘Grid’ and ‘User Mag Var’. ‘Auto Mag Var’ provides magnetic north heading refer-
ences that are automatically determined from your current position. ‘True’ provides headings based upon
a true north reference. ‘Grid’ provides headings based on a grid north reference (and is used in conjunc-
tion with the grid position formats). ‘User Mag Var’ allows you to specify the magnetic variation at your
current position and provides magnetic north heading references based upon the variation you enter.
Enter the magnetic variation of your current position in the ‘Magnetic Variation’ fi eld if you have selected
‘User Mag Var’ for the heading.
The unit does not automatically calculate and update the magnetic variation at
your present position if ‘User Mag Var’ is selected. You must periodically update the magnetic
variation as your position changes. Failure to update this setting may result in substantial
differences between the information displayed on your unit and external references, such as a
magnetic compass.
‘Owner’ tab
The ‘Owner’ tab allows you to enter information about yourself, such as your name and address, and
the unit can display that information when it is turned on. This can be very helpful if your GPSMAP
276C is ever misplaced.
To open the ‘Owner’ tab, press the MENU key twice to open the Main Menu. Select ‘Setup’ from the
vertical tab list. Then select ‘Owner’ from the row of tabs along the top of the page.
Enter the desired information in the fi elds. You do not need to enter information in every fi eld.
To display this information at power up, highlight the box next to ‘Show at Power-up’. Press ENTER/
to place a check mark in the box. To hide the owner information at power-up, remove the check
mark from the box.
Setup Tab
‘Location’ tab of the Setup Tab
‘Owner’ tab of the Setup Tab
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