Main Pages
Map Page
Panning the Map
Map feature highlighted
Map Feature Information Page
To view additional details about an on-screen waypoint or map item:
1. With the desired waypoint or map item highlighted, press ENTER/MARK.
2. If the item is a waypoint, a Waypoint Review Page appears, showing details such as name, symbol,
coordinates, elevation, and depth. On-screen buttons offer options to delete the waypoint (‘Delete’),
show the waypoint on a map (‘Show Map’), or begin navigation to the waypoint (‘Go To’) from your
current location. If desired, select an on-screen button and press
ENTER/MARK, or press QUIT to exit
the Waypoint Review Page.
If the item is a map feature or a feature of BlueChart or other MapSource data, an Information page
appears, showing details about the feature. On-screen buttons offer options to save the item as a
waypoint (‘Save’), show the item on a map (‘Show Map’), or begin navigation to the item (‘Go To’)
from your current location. If desired, select an on-screen button and press
ENTER/MARK, or press
QUIT to exit the Information page.
In some cases, additional information tabs appear at the top of the Information page or Waypoint
Review Page. If desired, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the extra tabs and view the information.
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