
Main Menu
Setup Tab Overview
The Setup Tab has several tabs containing different types of information for you to customize your
GPSMAP 276C. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll to the RIGHT and LEFT to view all of the tabs.
To view the Setup Tab:
1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.
2. Highlight ‘Setup’ from the vertical list of tabs using the
3. Use the Arrow Keypad to highlight the desired tab from the top row of tabs: System, Road Routing,
Guidance, Timer, Time, Units, Location, Owner, Com 1, and Com 2.
To restore system defaults:
1. Open the Main Menu. Highlight ‘Setup’ from the vertical list of tabs. Press MENU.
2. Highlight ‘Restore Defaults’ and press
ENTER/MARK. Highlight ‘All Unit Defaults’ to restore all units
settings to the factory defaults.
To view information about your GPSMAP 276C, press MENU. Highlight ‘ System Information’ and
‘System’ tab
To open the ‘System’ tab, press the MENU key twice to open the Main Menu. Select ‘Setup’ from the
vertical tab list. Then select ‘System’ from the row of tabs along the top of the page.
System Mode – sets the unit to operate in ‘Normal’ mode (normal navigation), ‘ Battery Saver’ mode, or
Simulator’ mode (for practice ONLY).
Usage Mode – sets the unit to ‘ Marine’ or ‘ Automotive’ mode.
Speed Filter – allows the unit to average speed-readings. Choose from ‘Off’, ‘Auto’ (automatically con-
trols fi ltering), or ‘On’ (allows you to enter a value in seconds).
Text Language – allows you to select from various languages for the unit’s on-screen display.
Setup Tab
Main Menu: Setup Tab
System Information
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