Main Menu
‘Time’ tab
The ‘Time’ tab allows you to set the time format and zone. You can also set the unit to conform to
Daylight Savings. The current time and date is displayed at the bottom of the page.
To open the ‘Time’ tab, press the MENU key twice to open the Main Menu. Select ‘Setup’ from the
vertical tab list. Then select ‘Time’ from the row of tabs along the top of the page.
Time Format – enables 12 or 24 hour (military) time format.
Time Zone – allows you to choose your correct time zone to show correct local time. Select ‘UTC’ for
Greenwich Time or select ‘Other’ to enter a UTC Offset. The UTC Offset is how many hours you are
ahead or behind the time line. See the Appendix for a list of time offsets.
Daylight Savings – allows you to choose from ‘Auto’, ‘On’, or ‘Off’ to adjust for daylight savings.
‘Units’ tab
The ‘Units’ tab allows you to customize measurement units for the entire system. To open the ‘Units’
tab, press the MENU key twice to open the Main Menu. Select ‘Setup’ from the vertical tab list. Then
select ‘Units’ from the row of tabs along the top of the page.
Distance and Speed – sets the units to Nautical (nm, kt)’, ‘Statute (mi, mh)’, or ‘Metric (km, kh)’.
Direction Display – sets the units to use ‘ Cardinal Letter’, ‘ Numeric Degrees’, or ‘Mils’. Mils is a unit of
angle measurement used in military settings, in which 17.78 mils equal one degree.
Temperature – sets the units to ‘Fahrenheit (°F)’ or ‘Celsius (°C)’.
Elevation – sets the units to ‘Feet (ft)’ or ‘Meters (m)’.
Depth – sets the units to ‘Feet (ft)’, ‘Fathoms (fa)’, or ‘Meters (m)’.
Setup Tab
‘Time’ tab of the Setup Tab
‘Units’ tab of the Setup Tab
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