
Main Menu
To restore alarm defaults:
1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.
2. Use the
ARROW KEYPAD to open the Alarms Tab.
3. Press
4. Select ‘Restore Default’ to restore the defaults of the current tab. Select ‘All Alarm Defaults’ to restore
all tabs in the Alarms Tab to the factory defaults.
‘Nav’ ( Navigation) Alarms
Next Turn – sets an alarm for next turn in route. Select ‘Off’ for no ‘Next Turn’ alarm. Select ‘Dist’ to
enter a specifi c distance that the ‘Next Turn’ alarm will go off. For example, if you enter 1 nm, the ‘Next
Turn’ alarm will sound one nautical mile before you reach the next turn. Select ‘Time’ to enter a specifi c
time before the turn for the alarm to go off. For example, if you enter 00:02:00 the ‘Next Turn’ alarm
will sound two minutes before you reach the next turn. Select ‘Auto’ for the unit to provide a ‘Next Turn’
alarm at its discretion.
Arrival – sets an alarm to sound when you are a specifi ed distance or time away from a destination
waypoint. Select ‘Off’ for no ‘Arrival’ alarm. Select ‘Dist’ to enter a specifi c distance that the ‘Arrival’
alarm will go off. For example, if you enter 1 nm, the ‘Arrival’ alarm will sound one nautical mile before
you reach the next turn. Select ‘Time’ to enter a specifi c time before the destination for the alarm to go
off. For example, if you enter 00:02:00 the ‘Arrival’ alarm will sound two minutes before you reach the
destination. Select ‘Auto’ for the unit to provide an ‘Arrival’ alarm at its discretion.
Off Course – sets an alarm to sound when you are off your desired course. Select ‘On’ to turn this alarm
on and then enter a distance.
Anchor Drag – sets an alarm to sound when you have exceeded a specifi ed drift distance. Select ‘On’ to
turn this alarm on and then enter a distance.
Alarms Tab
Alarms Tab: ‘Nav’ tab
Alarms Tab: ‘Nav’ tab
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