Main Pages
Active Route Page
Whenever you have activated a route in the GPSMAP 276C, the Active Route Page shows each point
(waypoint or map item) of the active route, with the point name, Course, Distance, and several other
fi elds of information. The current destination point, the ‘active’ point, is marked with an arrow icon. As
you navigate a route, the list automatically updates to indicate the next ‘active’ point fi rst. The Active
Route and Route Review Pages share many of the same features and options.
Active Route Page Options Menu
The following route options are available by pressing MENU on the Active Route Page:
Deactivate – stops route navigation.
Edit on Map – allows you to edit the route on the map.
Add Waypoint – inserts a waypoint (or point from the Find Menu) before the highlighted waypoint or
add a point(s) onto the end of the route.
Remove Waypoint – deletes the selected waypoint from the route.
Invert – reverses the order of the route.
Plan Route – allows you to enter information about your route to more accurately provide you with
arrival times.
Change Data Fields – allows you to customize the data fi elds displayed on the Active Route Page.
Active Route Page:
Marine Mode
Active Route Page ( Marine Mode)
Active Route Page ( Marine Mode)
Options Menu
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