Basic system management configuration task list 100
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 7 • Basic system management
Timed execution of CLI command
The command
timer allows the timed execution of CLI commands. The timer command is incremental; this
means for each time it is entered, a new timer is created. All timers appear in the running-configuration, except
if they have been created with the volatile option. It is possible to specify for each timer the start time and the
reoccurrence. Use the CLI help (tab completion) for detailed description of all configuration options.
Some examples:
timer FIRMWARE_UPDATE now + 2 minutes every 10 minutes “provisioning execute FIRMWARE”
Starts a timer named FIRMWARE_UPDATE, whose first execution time is 2 minutes after the command is
entered (2 minutes after device startup if the command is in the startup-configuration), and is executed every
10 minutes afterwards. This timer does not expire. The executed CLI command is
execute FIRMWARE
timer volatile RELOAD midnight + 1 hour “reload graceful”
Starts a volatile timer named RELOAD (does not appear in the running-configuration, and thus is not stored in
the startup-configuration). The timer is executed once, 1 hour after midnight, and reloads the
system gracefully.
Displaying the checksum of a configuration
In SmartWare configuration files, e.g. startup configuration, running configuration, and user-specific configu-
ration, contain a checksum entry. This checksum informs the user about the validity and helps distinguish con-
figuration files on the basis of the checksum.
Mode: Administrator execution
Displaying the checksum of a configuration
The following example shows how to display the checksum of the configuration test of your device, if you start
from the configuration mode.
node#show crc nvram:test
File nvram: test:
checksum: 0xfaddc88a
Configuration of terminal sessions
In certain cases it may be desirable to change the settings of the current terminal session.
Mode: System
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show crc filename Displays checksum of a configuration
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (sys)#terminal height Configures the terminal height.