Call router configuration task list 522
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Call reroute
The call-reroute commands enable acceptation and emission of rerouting requests.
Enable acceptation of rerouting requests on ISDN. If a reroute is accepted, the participant who sends the
reroute request is disconnected and the call is established from the SmartNode to the new destination.
Mode: context cs/interface isdn
Enable emission of rerouting requests on ISDN. To reroute a call must enter and leave SmartNode through
the same ISDN interface and every service invoked must allow push-back.
Mode: context cs/interface isdn
Enable sending of “302 moved temporary” message on SIP. To reroute a call must enter and leave Smart-
Node through the same SIP gateway and every service invoked must allow push-back.
Mode: context cs/interface sip
Allow Push-Back
The push-back command allows or forbids rerouting of a call, if the service is invoked.
Enable push-back – aaa service.
Mode: context cs/service aaa
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](if-isdn)[interface]#[no] call-
reroute accept
Enables acceptation of rerouting requests from ISDN.
Default is disabled.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](if-isdn)[interface]#[no] call-
reroute emit
Enables emission of rerouting requests from ISDN.
Default is disabled.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](if-sip)[interface]#[no] call-
reroute emit
Enables emission of “302 moved temporarily” message on
SIP. Default is disabled.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](svc-aaa)[service]#[no]
Enables push-back of a call of this service.
Default is disabled.