Call router configuration task list 497
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Creating call services
Routing tables, mapping tables and complex functions only manipulate address properties of a call (like the
called party number). A call service is another call router entity that actively accesses the state of a call. A call
service is able to spawn other calls or merge existing calls together. This allows building services like hunt
groups etc.
You can view a call service as a virtual endpoint that accepts a call and creates new calls to other destinations. A
call that is routed to a call service is not served by a human being but by a machine that accepts the call and
performs needed actions.
The hunt group service, for example, accepts a call that is routed to it and spawns a second call that is placed to
the first final destination. If this destination is not reachable, another destination is tried until one of the con-
figured destinations accept the call.
Creating a hunt group service
A hunt group service hunts an incoming call to multiple interfaces. Figure 66 shows an example scenario where
a call from a SIP interface is first processed by several tables. The second table decides that the call must be for-
warded to the PSTN. The device is connected to the PSTN over four BRIs, which are bound to the context CS
3 node(rt-tab)[tab-name]#exit Leaves the routing table configuration mode and returns to
the context cs configuration mode
4 node(cts-cs)[ctx-name]#digit-col-
lection timeout 5 set-address-
Configures the digit-collection timeout to 5 seconds and sets
the address-complete indication if the timeout elapses
lection terminating-char # set-
Configures the terminating-character that can stop the digit-
collection timeout and immediately place the call to ‘#’ and
sets the address-complete indication if the character
is received
Step Command Purpose