PRI port configuration task list 195
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 16 • PRI port configuration
Configuring PRI line-build-out (E1T1 in T1 mode only)
The line build out configuration is used in long haul applications to prevent cross talk in the far end device.
Mode: port e1t1 <slot> <port>
Configuring PRI used-connector (E1T1 in E1 mode only)
If the E1T1 WAN-Card provides several line interface connector types this command specifies which one is
currently in use. Sure, the signal is always on all connectors available but dependent on the wiring technology
the internal impedance matching must be adapted (RJ45 = 120 Ohm; BNC = 75 Ohm).
Mode: port e1t1 <slot> <port>
Configuring PRI application mode (E1T1 only)
The PRI port can be configured to work in either short-haul or in long-haul mode. Short-haul is the default
application and should be used for transmission distances up to 180m/600ft. For transmission distances up to
1800m/6000ft, select the long-haul application.
Mode: port e1t1 <slot> <port>
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]# line-build-
out {0 | -7.5 | -15 | -22.5}
Specifies the pulse attenuation in dB on the line inter-
Restriction: Only available for e1t1 ports in T1
Default for t1: 0 dB
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]# used-con-
nector {bnc | rj45}
Specifies the currently used connector.
Restriction: Only available for e1t1 ports in E1
Default for e1: rj45
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]#application
{long-haul | short-haul}
Specifies the e1/t1 application mode
Restriction: Only available for e1t1 ports
Default: short-haul