Link scheduler configuration task list 165
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 13 • Link scheduler configuration
Defining random early detection
The command
random-detect is used to request random early detection (RED). When a queue carries lots of
TCP transfers that last longer than simple web requests, there is a risk that TCP flow-control might be ineffi-
cient. A burst-tolerance index between 1 and 10 may optionally be specified (exponential filter weight). The
form of this command reverts the queue to default “tail-drop” behavior.
Mode: Source
Discarding Excess Load
The command police controls traffic arriving in a queue for class name. The value of the first argument aver-
age-kilobits defines the average permitted rate in kbps, the value of the second argument kilobits-ahead defines
the tolerated burst size in kbps ahead of schedule. Excess packets are dropped.
This procedure describes defining discard excess load
Mode: Source
Quality of Service for routed RTP streams
SmartWare supports including routed RTP packets in the QoS process. This is possible for plain streams as
well as for encrypted streams in up- and downlink direction. The identification of the packets that have to be
included in the QoS process base upon their size. In the service-policy profile exists a command that allows
mapping of a specific packet size or a range to a traffic class.
There are two predefined ranges the user can choose. One of them is ‘routed-voice’ that specifies a packet size
range from 50 Byte to 280 Byte the other one is ‘routed-voice-encrypted’ that specifies a packet size range from
92 Byte to 324 Byte. By selecting this predefined ranges all voice packets from G.729/10ms to G.711/30ms
will be assigned to the configured traffic-class.
Be aware that also other packets matching the configured size or range will be assigned to the specified traffic-
class. All values to be configured are in Byte and are IP Packet sizes (IP Header plus Payload).
Command Purpose
node(src)[name]#random-detect {burst-tolerance} Defines random early detection (RED) for
queues of for the selected traffic-class or policy
name. The range for the optional value burst-
tolerance is from 1 to 10.
Command Purpose
node(src)[name]#police average-kilobits
burst-size kilobits-ahead
Defines how traffic arriving in a queue for the selected
class or policy name has to be controlled. The value aver-
age-kilobits for average rate permitted is in the range
from 0 to 10000 kbps. The value kilobits-ahead for burst
size tolerated ahead of schedule is in the range from 0 to