Call router configuration task list 501
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Normal Event
Drop original call The connection fails because the destina-
tion does not respond to the call. This
cause is used when a user does not
respond to a call establishment message
with either an alerting or a connect indica-
tion with the prescribed period of time
Drop original call The destination responds to the connection
request but fails to complete the connec-
tion within the prescribed time. This cause
is used when the user has provided an
alerting indication but has not provided a
connect indication within a prescribed
period of time.
Drop original call The remote device you attempted to reach
is unavailable and has disconnected from
the network.
Drop original call The destination can accept the call but
rejects it for an unknown reason. This
cause indicates that the equipment send-
ing this cause does not wish to accept this
call, although it could have accepted the
call because the equipment sending this
cause is neither busy nor incompatible.
Drop original call The number used to set up the call is not
assigned to a system. This cause is
returned to a calling user when the called
party number indicated by the calling user
is no longer assigned.
Drop original call The destination can accept the call but
rejects it because it is not assigned to the
Drop original call The destination cannot be reached
because of an interface malfunction, and
a signaling message cannot be delivered.
This can be a temporary condition, but it
could last for an extended period.
Drop original call The connection fails because the destina-
tion address is presented in an unrecog-
nizable format, or the destination address
is incomplete.
Drop original call The network cannot provide the facility
requested by the user.
Table 21. Hunt group drop causes (Continued)
Class Cause
Default Behavior
of the Hunt
Group Service