
Debugging call signaling 628
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 52 • VoIP debugging
Verify an incoming call
Make sure an incoming call is entering correctly context CS. In this example, an ISDN terminal connected to
an ISDN port places a call. The port is in NET mode. The port is bound to a context CS interface named
TERMINAL. The debug output below shows a normal (working) call setup sequence.
unit(cfg)#debug ccisdn error
unit(cfg)#debug ccisdn signaling
unit(cfg)#debug isdn error
unit(cfg)#18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL] << Message: primitive=64
18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL] Added endpoint TERMINAL-00b73348
18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL] NEW CALL. Allocated Endpoint TERMINAL-00b73348
18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL-00b73348] << SETUP (DSS1 Ntwk)
Bearer capability : speech - CCITT
circuit mode - 64kBit/s - G.711 A-law
Calling party number : 60
unknown number - unknown numbering plan
presentation allowed - user provided not screened
Called party number : 50
unknown number - E.164 numbering plan
High layer compatibility : telephony
18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL-00b73348] State: NULL, Event: TERMINAL SETUP IND
18:34:10 ICC > [TERMINAL-00b73348] Set state to OVERLAP SENDING
unit#debug ccisdn error Prints all errors occurring in ISDN call control and
ISDN datapath control. Always switch this monitor
on when debugging ISDN.
unit#debug ccisdn datapath Prints operations on the ISDN part of the voice
data path. Use this monitor if you experience prob-
lems in the data path (no speech connectivity,
speech only in one direction). This monitor is not
needed to debug signaling.
unit#debug isdn error Prints all errors occurring on the ISDN port (proto-
col stack layers 1 to 3). Always switch this monitor
on when debugging ISDN.
unit#debug isdn event slot port {all |
layer2 | layer3}
Logs in detail the operation on the ISDN port (pro-
tocol stack layers 2 to 3).
unit#show port isdn slot port status Shows the status of an ISDN port. Among others,
indicates the link state of that port.
unit#show call-control provider name
[detail detail]
Shows the status of an ISDN interface in context
CS (call control part of ISDN signaling). Shown
are all calls currently ongoing on the interface,
with their call states, signaling peers and voice
data path parameters.
name is the name of the ISDN interface. Use detail
5 for most verbose output.
Command Purpose