
Call router configuration task list 480
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
node(rt-tab)[HOLIDAY~]#route default dest-interface IF-VOIP
Deleting routing tables
To remove individual routing tables you can use the
no form of the routing table command. Alternatively
you can remove specific entries of a routing table by entering the routing table configuration mode and use the
no form of the route command.
Procedure: To delete an entry from a routing table
Mode: Context CS
Example: Remove entries from a routing table
The running-config shows the following table:
routing-table called-e164 MY-TABLE
route 10 dest-interface IF1
route 11 dest-interface IF2
route 12 dest-interface IF3
route default dest-interface IF4
To remove the first two entries from the table enter the following commands:
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table MY-TABLE
node(rt-tab)[MY-TABLE]#no route 10
node(rt-tab)[MY-TABLE]#no route 11
The resulting running-config is:
routing-table called-e164 MY-TABLE
route 12 dest-interface IF3
route default dest-interface IF4
Procedure: To delete an entire routing table
Step Command Purpose
1 node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table
Enter the routing table from which you want to remove an
Note: You do not have to enter the type of the table when
just entering it. The type must only be specified when creating
a table.
2 node(rt-tab)[table-name]#no route key Remove the entry with the specified key.
3 Repeat Step 2 to remove additional entries.