Serial port configuration task list 175
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 14 • Serial port configuration
Example: Configuring the active clock edge
The following example enables to send data on the negative edge on slot 0 and port 0. Check that Transmit
Clock is set to inverted in the command output of
show port serial.
node(cfg)#port serial 0 0
node(prt-ser)[0/0]#transmit-data-on-edge negative
node(prt-ser)[0/0]#show port serial
Serial Interface Configuration
Port : serial 0 0 0
State : CLOSED
Hardware Port : X.21
Transmit Edge : inverted
Port Type : DTE
CRC Type : CRC-16
Max Frame Length: 2048
Recv Threshold : 1
Encapsulation : framerelay
Configuring the baudrate
A DCE interface has to provide the signal clocks. The desired baudrate can be configured.
Note Only available on certain devices.
This procedure describes how to set the baudrate for the serial interface.
Mode: Port serial
Example: Configuring baudrate to 64,000 bps
The following example configures a baudrate of 64,
000 bps on the serial interface. Verify that the command
show port serial detail 5 output displays the correct baudrate. True baudrate in the Status section shows the
baudrate of the selected hardware.
node(cfg)#port serial 0 0
node(prt-ser)[0/0]#transmit-data-on-edge negative
node(prt-ser)[0/0]#show port serial detail 5
HDLC Driver: 0x8496b8
Slot: 0
Number of Ports: 1
Port: serial 0 0 0
Step Command Purpose
1 node(prt-ser)[slot/port]# baudrate
Configures the baudrate for the serial interface.