Call router configuration task list 493
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
The possible values for the type argument are:
• transparent: Transparently passes an address-complete indication (e.g. ISDN Sending Complete Informa-
tion Element) to the call-control.
• set: Always sets the address-complete indication flag towards the call-control even when no such indication
is received from the calling party. This configuration can be used to disable overlap-sending on an interface.
• clear: Never signals the address-complete indication towards the call-control even when the indication is
received from the calling party. This configuration may be used in rare cases to solve interoperability prob-
lems with attached PBXs.
Some interface types do not support all of the mentioned arguments. The following table shows the supported
address-complete indication conversion types and the default setting for each interface type:
The call-router is extended to be able to set the address-complete indication or append a terminating-character
in some circumstances. This includes:
• Setting the address-complete indication when the digit-collection timeout elapses
• Appending the terminating-character when the digit-collection timeout elapses
• Filtering-out the terminating-character and optionally set the address-complete indication
• Setting the address-complete indication when a called-party number matches a fully specified call-router
rule ($-terminated entry).
• Appending the terminating-character when the called-party number matches a fully specified call-router
rule ($-terminated entry).
The command digit-collection timeout <secs> has been extended with two optional arguments that specify
whether a terminating-character is appended or the address-complete indication set when the digit-timeout
elapses. The command syntax is
[no] digit-collection timeout <secs> [append-terminating-char] [set-address-complete-indication]
The extensions configure the action(s) to be performed when the digit-collection timeout elapses. The digit-
collection timeout runs when a call is routed to a called-e164 routing-table of which a T-terminated rule is
selected. Two actions are available; both can be enabled independently. The append-terminating-char action
appends the configured terminating-character when the timeout elapses. The set-address-complete-indication
action sets the address-complete indication. Whether or not the egress interface propagates the address-com-
plete indication depends on the interface configuration (see below).
Interface Type Transparent Set Clear
ISDN supported; default supported Supported
H.323 supported; default supported Supported
SIP not supported supported supported; default