Accessing the SmartWare CLI task list 64
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 4 • Accessing the CLI
Ending a Telnet or console port session
Use the
logout command in the operator or administration execution mode to end a Telnet or console port ses-
sion. To confirm the
logout command, you must enter yes on the dialog line as shown in the example below.
Mode: Operator execution
Example: End a Telnet or console port session
The following example shows how to terminate a session from the administrator execution configuration
Press 'yes' to logout, 'no' to cancel :
After confirming the dialog with “yes”, the Telnet session is terminated.
Note Using the command exit in the operator execution mode also terminates a
Telnet or console port session, but without any confirmation dialog.
Showing command default values
If a command is set to its default value, it is not displayed in the running-config in order to make it more read-
able. There are a few exceptions to this rule. The command cli config defaults makes commands also appearin
the running-config that are set to default values. no li config defaults turns it off.
Step Command Purpose
1 node>logout Terminates the session after a confirmation by the user.