Call router configuration task list 514
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Caveat: For calls from the IP side, the service only works if the G711.alaw codec is chosen. On the SmartNode
4960 the service is available for all configurable codecs.
Mode: Context CS
Deleting call services
To remove individual call services you can use the
no form of the service command.
Procedure: To delete a call service
Mode: Context CS
Example: Remove an entire mapping table
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#no service HUNT-BRI
Activate the call router configuration
Prior to activate the call router configuration you can show the whole context CS configuration and the entire
call routing tables.
The call router configuration is activated as soon as the CS context comes out of shutdown (e.g. at boot time or
by manually entering command
no shutdown). You can modify the configuration at runtime; changes will be
active after 3 seconds. SmartWare offers a number of possibilities to monitor and debug the CS context and
call router configurations. For more information refer to chapter 52, “VoIP debugging” on page 624.
Note It is not necessary to shutdown the CS context prior to making any configu-
ration changes.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(ctx-cs)[switch]#service second-
dialtone name
Enters the service second-dialtone mode.
2 node(svc-2dt)[name]#route call dest-
Defines the call destination. If the call cannot be placed the
second-dialtone is played.
3 node(svc-2dt)[name]#route
announcement dest-inter-
Instead of playing a dialtone locally, the service sets up a call
to the configured message provider.
4 node(svc-2dt)[name]#use profile
tone-set name
Apply to use a alternative tone-set profile. If not configured
the profile tone-set default will be used.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(ctx-cs)[switch]#no service service-
Delete the service service-name.
Note: You do not have to enter the type of the service when
just deleting it. The type must only be specified when creating
a service.