Call router configuration task list 496
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
The possible values for the type argument are:
• transparent: Transparently passes an address-complete indication to the signaling-protocol (e.g. ISDN by
sending a Sending Complete Information Element).
• set: Always sends a Sending Complete Information Element with the SETUP message. This configuration
can be used to disable overlap-sending on an interface.
• clear: Never sends a Sending Complete Information Element. This configuration may be used in rare cases
to solve interoperability problems with attached PBXs, e.g. when the attached PBX does not support the
Sending Complete Information Element.
Some interface types do not support all arguments. SIP does not support this configuration at all, because SIP
does not support overlap dialing. The following table shows the supported address-complete indication conver-
sion types and the default setting for each interface type:
The following procedure demonstrates how to disable overlap-sending for incoming SIP calls. SIP does not
provide an overlap-dialing procedure; so for most applications, address-complete indications should be cleared.
Mode: context cs / interface sip
The following procedure demonstrates how to create a routing-table that allows overlap dialing. When the tim-
eout elapses or when the terminating-character is received, the address-complete indication shall be set toward
the egress interface.
Mode: context cs
Interface Type Transparent Set Clear
ISDN supported; default supported Supported
H.323 supported; default supported Supported
SIP — — —
Step Command Purpose
1 node(if-sip)[if-name]#address-
complete-indication clear
Clear the address-complete indication for all incoming calls
over this interface
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cts-cs)[ctx-name]#routing-
table called-e164 <tab-name>
Creates a routing-table that examines the called-
party number
2 node(rt-tab)[tab-name]#route T
dest-interface <if-name>
Routes any number (after the waiting for digits) to the
egress interface