VPN configuration task list 368
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 32 • VPN configuration
Configuration of an IP interface and the IP router for IPsec
The IP interface that provides connectivity to the IPsec peer, must now activate the outgoing ACL profile con-
figured in the previous section. Furthermore, the IP router must have a route for the remote network that
points to the respective IP interface.
Procedure: To activate the outgoing ACL profile and to establish the necessary route
Mode: Configure
Example: Activate outgoing ACL and establish route
The following example configures an outgoing ACL profile that interconnects the two private networks
192.168.1/24 and 172.16/16.
node(cfg)#context ip router
node(ctx-ip)[router]#interface WAN
node(if-ip)[WAN]#use profile acl VPN_Out out
node(if-ip)[WAN]#context ip router
node(ctx-ip)[router]#route WAN 0
Displaying IPsec configuration information
This section shows how to display and verify the IPsec configuration information.
Procedure: To display IPsec configuration information
Mode: Configure
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#context ip router Enter IP context
2 node(ctx-ip)[router]#interface if-name Create/enter the IP interface if-name
3 node(if-ip)[if-name]# use profile acl
name out
Activate the outgoing ACL profile name
4 node(if-ip)[if-name]#context ip router Enter IP context
node(ctx-ip)[router]#route remote-net-
work-address remote-network-mask if-name 0
Creates a route for the remote network that
points the above IP interface if-name
You can omit this setting if the default route
already points to this IP interface or to a next hub
reachable via this IP interface, and if there is no
other route.
Make also sure that the IP router knows how to
reach the peer of the secured communication.
Usually, a default route does this job.
Step Command Purpose
node(cfg)#show profile ipsec-trans-
Displays all IPsec transformation profiles
node(cfg)#show profile ipsec-policy-
Displays all IPsec policy profiles