PRI port configuration task list 196
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 16 • PRI port configuration
Configuring PRI LOS threshold (E1T1 only)
This command takes effect only if the PRI port is configured for long-haul applications. It specifies the sensi-
tivity for Loss Of Signal threshold. A signal suffers more attenuation over long distances than over short dis-
tances. Therefore the LOS-Threshold must be set higher for longer transmission distances. This command has
a default value of -46dB what should be enough for distances up to 1600 m/5250 ft.
Mode: port e1t1 <slot> <port>
Configuring PRI Loopback detection (E1T1 only)
In T1 mode the E1T1 PRI port has the capability for auto detection of inband sent loop back codes. Once a
loopback-up code is detected, the module automatically enables the proper loopback function and disables it a
soon as the corresponding loopback-down code appears. This feature is used by carrier equipment for testing
the line to the customer. It sends the loopback-up code to the customer device, then subsequently starts, for
example, a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence (PRBS) to determinate the quality of the connection.
Depending on the configured T1 framing, the right loopback code detection mode will be enabled as soon as
the command loop-back auto-detection will be executed. For framing type uses a different loop-
back code detection mechanism:
• ESF: The loopback codes are transmitted via the 4kBit/s EOC-Channel, that is part of the 8kBit/s F-Bit
Channel. The following codes are supported:
• SF and Unframed: An inband loop code pattern is sent for at least 5 seconds in all 24 timeslots. The follow-
ing codes are supported:
Step Command Purpose
1 [ name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]#los-thresh-
old {-4dB | -6dB | -8dB … -46dB | -
Specifies Loss Of Signal Threshold
Restriction: Only available for e1t1 ports
Default: -46dB
Command Binary Code
Line Loopback Activate 0 000111 0
Line Loopback Deactivate 0 011100 0
Payload Loopback Acti-
0 001010 0
Payload Loopback Deacti-
0 011001 0
Universal Loopback Deac-
0 010010 0
Loopback Retention 0 010101 0
Command Binary Repetition Code
Line Loopback Activate 00001
Line Loopback Deactivate 001