Tone configuration task list 535
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 42 • Tone configuration
The following example shows how to display the tone-set profile.
node#show profile tone-set test
Tone Profile: test
Used: by 0 module(s)
DTMF Duration: 80ms
DTMF Interspace: 80ms
dial-tone: belgianSpec
ringback-tone: defaultAlertingtone
hold-tone: defaultHoldtone
waiting-tone: defaultWaitingtone
confirmation-tone: defaultConftone
busy-tone: defaultBusytone
congestion-tone: defaultCongestiontone
release-tone: defaultReleasetone
special-information-tone: defaultSItone
special-dial-tone: defaultSDtone
Example: The following example shows how to configure a tone-set profile for UK and apply it to the isdn
interface bri0.
Create the call-progress-tone profiles:
node(cfg)#profile call-progress-tone dial-UK
node(pf-callp)[dial-UK]#play 5000 350 0 440 0
node(pf-callp)[dial-UK]#profile call-progress-tone alerting-UK
node(pf-callp)[alertin~]#play 400 400 0 450 0
node(pf-callp)[alertin~]#pause 200
node(pf-callp)[alertin~]#play 400 400 0 450 0
node(pf-callp)[alertin~]#pause 2000
node(pf-callp)[alertin~]#profile call-progress-tone busy-UK
node(pf-callp)[busy-UK]#play 400 400 0
node(pf-callp)[busy-UK]#pause 400
Create the tone-set profile:
node(cfg)#profile tone-set UK
node(pf-tones)[UK]#map call_progress_tone dialtone dial-UK
node(pf-tones)[UK]#map call_progress_tone alertingtone alerting-UK
node(pf-tones)[UK]#map call_progress_tone busytone busy-UK
Assign the tone-set to the isdn interface bri0
node(cfg)#context cs