
Displaying SNMP related information 275
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 25 • SNMP configuration
In the following example the NMS running on host with IP address shall be defined as SNMP
trap target. Since the NMS requires that SNMP message headers have a community of Not4evEryOne the secu-
rity-name argument is set accordingly.
node(cfg)#snmp target security-name Not4evEryOne
Displaying SNMP related information
Displaying the SNMP related configuration settings is often necessary to check configuration modifications or
when determining the behavior of the SNMP agent.
This procedure describes how to display information and configuration settings for SNMP
Mode: Configure
Example: Displaying SNMP related information
This example shows how to display SNMP configuration information.
node(cfg)#show snmp
SNMP Information:
hostname : node
location : Wiring Closet, 3rd floor
contact : Bill Anybody, Phone 818 700 1504
Hosts: security-name public
Targets: security-name Not4evEryOne
public access-right ro
Not4evEryOne access-right rw
Using the AdventNet SNMP utilities
The AdventNet SNMP utilities are a set of cross-platform applications and applets for SNMP and Web-based
network management. These utilities can be used for device, element, application and system management.
The following tools are the most useful:
MibBrowser—used to view and operate on data available through a SNMP agent on a managed device
TrapViewer—used to parse and view the received traps
The AdventNet MibBrowser is a complete SNMP MibBrowser that enables the loading of MIBs, MIB brows-
ing, walking a MIB tree, searching MIBs and performing all other SNMP-related functions to users.
Viewing and operating the data available through an SNMP agent on a managed device, e.g. a router, switch,
hub etc., is made possible by using the MibBrowser.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#show snmp Displays information and configuration settings for SNMP