Location Service configuration task list 618
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 51 • Location Service
Creating an identity group
Multiple identities with the same properties can be grouped in an identity-group. The identity-group can be
configured exactly in the same way and with the same parameters as an identity. An identity-group can only
inherit configurations to identities, but they never play an active role.
The special identity-group “default” inherits parameters to identities which are unknown or not configured.
Even dynamically created identities from registration inbound inherits from the identity-group “default”. Con-
figured identities do not inherit from the identity-group “default” unless is it explicitly configured to do so.
Mode: Location Service
Inheriting from an identity group to an identity
An identity only inherits parameters from an identity-group if the parameters are not configured in the identity
itself. Some commands allow the identity to explicitly disable some configurations that were otherwise inher-
Mode: Location Service
Mode: Location Service
Mode: Location Service
Mode: Location Service
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]# [no] identity-group
Adds a new identity-group to the location service.
The no form of the command removes an existing
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]#identity <name> inherit-
ance <identity-group>
Configures the identity to inherit parameters which
are not configured from the identity-group.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]#identity-group <name>
inheritance <identity-group>
Configures the identity-group to inherit parameters
which are not configured from another identity-
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]#identity <name> no-
Configures the identity to not inherit parameters
from the identity-group.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](ls)[name]#identity-group <name>
Configures the identity-group to not inherit parame-
ters from the other identity-group.