Accessing the SmartWare CLI task list 60
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 4 • Accessing the CLI
Mode: Configure
Mode: Enable
Mode: Enable
Displaying the CLI version
This procedure displays the version of the currently running CLI.
Mode: Operator execution
Example: Displaying the CLI version
The following example shows how to display the version of the current running CLI on your device, if you
start from the operator execution mode.
node>show version cli
CLI version : 3.00
Displaying account information
You can use the
show command to display information about existing administrator and operator accounts.
This command is not available for an operator account.
The following procedure describes how to display account information:
Mode: Administrator execution
Step Command Purpose
1 [name](cfg)#terminal ssh use authentication <AAA
profile name>
Set the AAA profile which is going to be
used for user authentication. The AAA
profile “default” is uses as when not
specified otherwise.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name]#show ssh Displays status information of the SSH
Step Command Purpose
1 [name]#debug ssh Prints debug information of the SSH
Step Command Purpose
1 node>show version cli Displays the CLI version
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show accounts Displays the currently-configured administrator and operator