Call router configuration task list 475
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
You may specify a whole subnet with the key parameter of the routing table entry. The format of the key
parameter is ipaddress[/mask-size]; the mask size may be omitted.
Note Incoming SIP and H.323 calls use the calling party IP address property to
store the IP address of the remote SIP user agent or H.323 terminal, respec-
tively. Other interfaces like ISDN or FXS set the IP address to
Example: Calling IP address routing table
The following example routes all calls from a remote H.323 terminal in the LAN to the next table TAB-
FROM-LAN and all other calls to TAB-FROM-WAN.
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table calling-ip ip
node(rt-tab)[ip]#route dest-table TAB-FROM-LAN
node(rt-tab)[ip]#route default dest-table TAB-FROM-WAN
URI routing table
The calling party URI (calling-uri) table is used to route calls based on the URI of the originating VoIP peer,
e.g. the From-URI of the incoming SIP call. The called party URI (called-uri) table is used to route calls based
on the To-URI. The called URI of incoming calls is not set unless modified by a previous mapping table in the
routing path.
You can use regular expressions to specify the parts of an URI that must match in order to route the call to a
specified destination.
The following example shows how to create a routing table to route all SIP calls from John Smith to the next
table TAB-FROM-JOHN while all other calls are routed to the next table TAB-FROM-UNKNOWN.
Mode: Context CS
Presentation Indicator Routing Table
The presentation indicator (calling-pi) table is used to route calls based on the presentation indicator of the
calling party number. A user that doesn’t want its number being displays sets the presentation indicator to
restricted. There is no presentation indicator on the called party number. Thus you cannot create a called-
pi table.
Step Command Purpose
table calling-uri name
Creates a routing-table that examines the From-URI of an
incoming SIP call
sip:john\.smith@.% dest-table
Routes all SIP calls from john.smith@<anywhere> to the
table TAB-FROM-JOHN. Note that the dot (.) between john
and smith must be escaped with a backslash (\), because
the dot (.) means ‘any character’ in a regular expression.
3 node(rt-tab)[name]#route default
Routes all other SIP calls to the table TAB-FROM-