Link scheduler configuration task list 166
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 13 • Link scheduler configuration
Mode: profile service-policy/profile
The following procedure guides through the steps required for creating, configuring and using service policy
profiles on a WAN link that has an upstream and downstream capacity of 256kBit/s and is based on ADSL
technology. The access device must be able to process the RTP traffic generated by a VoIP Phone located in the
LAN like the local generated RTP stream.
Mode: Configure
Command Purpose
[name] (pf-srvp)[<name>]# [no] map packet-size
{routed-voice | routed-voice-encrypted | [<lower-size>
<upper-size>] } traffic-class <traffic-class-name>
Assigns IP packets of a predefined or speci-
fied range to a traffic-class. To name a spe-
cific size, configure lower-range and upper-
range with the same value.
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (cfg)# profile service-policy <name-
Creates a new service policy profile will be con-
figured for the uplink.
2 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-out>]# rate-limit 256
Configures the uplink capacity.
3 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-out>]# map packet-
size routed-voice traffic-class local-voice
Specifies that routed voice traffic will be pro-
cessed like local generated voice traffic.
4 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-out>]# source traffic-
class local-voice
Enters traffic-class configuration mode
5 [name] (src)[local-v~]# priority Specifies that local-voice has priority. Because
route-voice is mapped to local-voice, also routed-
voice has priority.
6 [name] (src)[local-v~]# profile service-policy
Creates a new service policy profile will be con-
figured for the downlink.
7 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-in>]# rate-limit 256
atm-modem voice-margin 80
Configures the downlink capacity and sets a
voice-margin of 80kBit/s
8 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-in>]# map packet-
size routed-voice traffic-class local-voice
Specifies that routed voice traffic will be pro-
cessed like local generated voice traffic.
9 [name] (pf-srvp)[<name-in>]# source traffic-
class local-voice
Enters traffic-class configuration mode
10 [name] (src)[local-v~]# priority Specifies that local-voice has priority. Because
route-voice is mapped to local-voice, also routed-
voice has priority.
11 [name] (src)[local-v~]# context ip Changes to IP configuration mode
12 [name] (ctx-ip)[router]# interface <if-wan> Enters WAN interface configuration mode
13 [name] (if-ip)[<if-wan>]# use profile service-
policy <name-in> in
Assigns the downlink profile on the WAN inter-
14 [name] (if-ip)[<if-wan>]# use profile service-
policy <name-out> out
Assigns the uplink profile on the WAN interface.