
Basic IP routing configuration task list 239
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 22 • Basic IP routing configuration
Configuring policy routing
Where the syntax is:
destination—The IP address of the target network or subnet.
Netmask—A network mask where the 1 bits indicate the network or subnet, and the 0 bits indicate the
host portion of the network address provided.
Interface|gateway—the name of the outgoing interface to use for the target network or subnet, or the IP
address of the outgoing interface
Metric—(optional) Specifies the desirability of the route when compared against other routes. The range is
0 through 15, where 0 is the preferred route. If no metric is specified, the static route is assumed to have a
metric of 0.
Traffic class—indicates that this static route is for IP traffic in the following <traffic-class>.” If no traffic-
class is specified, the routing table entry is of no traffic-class and is thus valid for packets of all traffic-classes.
Within IP context, IP packets are categorized into traffic-classes which are used as routing criteria. The follow-
ing traffic-classes are defined:
ß Default:all IP packets that are arriving from the WAN or the LAN and need to be routed through.
ß Local-voice:IP packets that are created within the unit and contain voice data (RTP).
ß Local-default:IP packets that are created within the unit and do not contain voice, e.g., SIP signaling, DNS
lookup, Telnet, etc.
In addition packets can be categorized into user-defined traffic-classes by using ACL.
A routing table entry may or may not have a traffic-class assigned. In the case that a routing table has no traf-
fic-class assigned, it is valid for packets of all traffic-classes. On the other hand, if it does have a traffic-class
assigned, the route is valid is restricted for packets of that given traffic-class.
Consider the following simple routing table example:
V Destination TrafficClass Nexthop Protocol Metric Flags
* eth1 local 1 UL
* loopback local 1 UL
* local-voice static 0 UDG
* static 0 UDG
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#context ip router Enters the IP router
2 node(ctx-ip)[router]#[no] route destination netmask inter-
face|gateway [metric ] [traffic-class <traffic-class> ]
Define a static routing
table entry