Access control list configuration task list 259
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 24 • Access control list configuration
Adding an ICMP filter rule to the current access control list profile
The command permit or deny are used to define an ICMP filter rule. Each ICMP filter rule represents an
ICMP access of control list entry.
This procedure describes how to create an ICMP access control list entry that permits access
Mode: Profile access control list
This procedure describes how to create an ICMP access control list entry that denies access
Mode: Profile access control list
Step Command Purpose
1 node(pf-acl)[name]#permit icmp {src src-wildcard | any |
host src} {dest dest-wildcard | any | host dest} [msg name |
type type | type type code code] [cos group]
Creates an ICMP access of con-
trol list entry that permits access
defined according to the com-
mand options
Step Command Purpose
1 node(pf-acl)[name]#deny icmp {src src-wildcard |
any | host src} {dest dest-wildcard | any | host dest}
[msg name | type type | type type code code] [cos
Creates an ICMP access of control list
entry that denies access defined accord-
ing to the command options