Basic system management configuration task list 98
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 7 • Basic system management
System resets may have a number of reasons, the most prominent being a manual reset issued on the Telnet/
console (‘reload’). Other reset reasons include power off failures and system failures. In order to pinpoint the
problem, the reset log contains the reset cause.
Mode: Administrator execution
Displaying reports
The show reports command is used to dump combined system information. The show reports command
sequentially executes the following log commands:
show version
show clock
show uptime
show licenses
show memory stat
show log reset
show log boot
show log event
show log supervisor
show factory-config
show startup-config
show running-config
Mode: Administrator execution
Controlling command execution
The SmartWare command shell includes a basic set of commands that allow you to control the execution of
other running commands. In SmartWare, the commands jobs and fg are used for such purposes. The com-
jobs lists all running commands, and fg allows switching back a suspended command to the fore-
ground. Moreover using <ctrl>-<z> suspends an active command and lets the system prompt reappear. With
<ctrl>-<c> the currently active command can be terminated.
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show log [event] Show event log.
2 node#show log supervisor Show log of the system supervisor. Used For example, after an unex-
pectedly reboot.
3 node#show log reset Output a list of reset reasons (with date and time).
4 node#show log boot Displays the console and log messages captured during startup of the
5 node#show log login Displays a list of succeeded and failed CLI login attempts.
6 node#show log file-
Displays the history of all recently executed file transfer operations
(up to 50 entries).
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show reports Dumps the combined system information.