
9. Sheet
In Sheet you can store your data in a file that is called a workbook. Each workbook contains at least one worksheet. A workbook
can also contain charts; a chart sheet is a sheet containing a chart that is based on data from a worksheet.
Go to Desk > Office > Sheet.
To create a new workbook, press Menu, and select File > New workbook.
To open an existing workbook, press Menu, and select File > Open. Browse for the folder where the file is saved.
Tip: To open recently used workbooks, press Menu, and select File > Recent workbooks.
Working with worksheets
To insert data into cells, move to the cell with the scroll key, and enter the information.
To select an entire row in a worksheet, move the cursor to the first cell on that row, and press Shift+scroll key left. To select an
entire column, move the cursor to the first cell of the column, and press Shift+scroll key up.
To format worksheets, select the cell or cells you want to format, press Menu, and select Format and an appropriate menu option.
You can change the font and number formats, and adjust alignment, row height, and column width. To format borders or the
background color of a cell, select Format > Cell appearance > Borders or Background color.
To add a new worksheet into a workbook, press Menu, and select Insert > New worksheet.
To switch to another worksheet, press Menu, and select View > Worksheets, or Sheets/Charts if the workbook contains at least
one chart. Select the worksheet, and press OK.
To keep rows visible when scrolling, select the row below the area that you want to remain visible. To keep columns visible,
select the column to the right of the area that you want to remain visible. Press Menu, and select View > Freeze panes.
To search for data, press Menu, and select Edit > Find. Enter the text or numbers you want to find, and press Find. To search the
worksheet according to certain criteria, press Options.
To rename a worksheet, press Menu, and select Format > Rename worksheet. Enter the new name, and press Done.
Working with cells
To clear contents or formatting from cells, select the cells, and press Clear. If you select Formats, the formatting of the selected
cells is removed, but the content remains. The default style is used. If you select Contents, the content of the selected cells is
deleted, but the formatting stays the same. All clears both formatting and contents of the selected cells.
To insert cells, select the area where you want to insert new cells, press Menu, and select Insert > Cells. You can insert cells
above (Shift cells down) or to the left (Shift cells right) of the selected range. If you have selected only one cell, only one new
cell is inserted, and if you have selected a range of cells, a corresponding range of blank cells is inserted. To insert a new row or
column, select Entire row or Entire column, and press OK.
To select a range of cells, press Menu, and select Edit > Select. To select the entire worksheet, select Entire worksheet in the
Range field.
Tip: To select column A, select Reference, move to the Reference field and type A:A. Similarly, to select columns from
A to C, type A:C. To select row 1, type 1:1. To select columns from A to C and rows 2 and 3, type A2:C3.
To select the cells you have named on the worksheet, press Menu, and select Edit > Select. Select Named cells in the Range field,
and select the cell in the Named area field. Once you have selected the cell, press Done.
To rearrange the order of cells, select the cells, press Menu, and select Tools > Sort > Top to bottom or Left to right. On the 1st
column or 1st row page, select the direction of sorting, and to sort by case, select Yes in the Case sensitive field. If you have
selected more than one row or column, move to the second and third page to sort the next column or row.
To insert a function into a selected cell, press Insert function in the worksheet. Functions are used to automate calculations. You
can choose from different function categories, and each category has a set of functions. For example, MIN finds the lowest value
in the numeric contents of a selected range of cells, AVERAGE calculates the average of the values, and SUM adds the values
together. Once you have selected a function, press Done. The function is inserted into the selected worksheet cell. On the
worksheet, press Point reference, select the cells you want to include in the function with Shift+scroll key, and press OK.
See "List
of functions{No generated text before found for '#comma'}" p.45.
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