Tip: You may need to set up several Internet access points, depending on the sites you want to access. For example,
browsing the Web may require one setup, and accessing your company intranet may require another connection.
Setting up an Internet access point
1. Select Connections → Internet setup.
2. Press New. You can use an existing Internet access point as a basis for the new one: after you have pressed New, press Yes.
Select the access point from the list, and press OK.
3. Define the settings.
• Internet settings name—Enter a descriptive name for the connection.
• Internet settings type—Select the connection type. Depending on which connection you select, only certain settings
will be available during the setup process.
• Network ID—Select the network ID according to the destination network you want to access with the Internet access
point. You can rename, and create new network IDs. Using the correct network ID ensures that the data traffic is routed
directly to the desired destination network. Especially VPN (virtual private network) software may restrict data traffic
for a certain destination network. Network ID can be used to filter Internet access points when establishing an Internet
• GPRS access point name (for GPRS only)—If you are not using a default Internet access point, define a name for the
access point. You can obtain the name from your network operator or service provider.
• Telephone number (for GSM data only)—Type the modem telephone number of the Internet access point.
• Password prompt—Change this to Yes if you must write a new password every time you log on to a server, or if you do
not want to save your password to the device.
• User name—Type a user name if required by the service provider. The user name may be needed to make a data
connection, and is usually provided by the service provider. The user name is often case-sensitive.
• Password—A password may be needed to connect to the Internet, and is usually provided by the service provider. The
password is often case-sensitive.
4. After defining the settings, press Advanced to define advanced settings, if necessary. Otherwise, press Finish or Done to
exit the setup wizard.
Configuring advanced Internet access point settings
Press Advanced when you have finished setting up the basic Internet access point settings. The pages and options available
depend on the connection type you have selected.
IP configuration page
Note that the two protocols (IPv4 and IPv6) require slightly different settings.
• Network type (for GPRS only)—For a GPRS connection you must specify which protocol you want to use.
• Auto retrieve IP—If you select Yes, the IP address is obtained automatically from the server. This setting is also called
dynamic IP address.
• IP address—The IP address of the device. If the IP address is obtained automatically, you are not required to enter details
• Auto retrieve DNS—If you select Yes for the IPv4 protocol, the DNS (domain name server) address is obtained
automatically from the server. The respective value for the IPv6 protocol is Well known. DNS is an Internet service that
translates domain names such as www.nokia.com into IPv4 addresses like, or IPv6 addresses like
3ffe:2650:a640:1c2:341:c39:14. If you select No for the IPv4 protocol, or Manual for the IPv6 protocol, you must specify the
IP addresses for the primary and secondary DNS servers.
Proxies page
You may want to use a proxy to quicken access to the Internet. Some Internet service providers require the use of Web
proxies. Contact your Internet service provider to determine proxy details.
If you have made an Internet connection to your company’s intranet, and are unable to retrieve Web pages from the general
Internet, you may need to set up a proxy server to retrieve Web pages outside your company’s intranet.
Define the following:
• Proxy protocol—Select the protocol type of the proxy. You can set different proxy settings for each protocol.
• Use proxy server—Select Yes to use the proxy server.
• Proxy server—Enter the IP address of the proxy server, or the domain name. Example domain names are: company.com
and organisation.org.
• Port number—The number of the proxy port. The port number is related to the protocol. Common values are 8000 and
8080, but vary with every proxy server.
• No proxy for—Define the domains for which the HTTP or HTTPS proxy is not needed.
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