Understanding Your Phone 25
The first time you use the Speech engine, you are asked
to allow Microsoft to use your voice data to provide and
improve the service, which makes additional features
available to you. Touch accept or decline. Touch
for more information.
Menu Navigation
You can tailor the phone’s range of functions to fit your needs
using menus. Menus, sub-menus, and features can be
accessed by scrolling through on-screen menus.
Locking and Unlocking the Phone
To unlock your phone:
1. Press the Power/Lock key located on the
upper right side of your phone. The lock screen
2. Swipe the lock screen in an upward direction.
3. The Home screen displays as shown.
Home Screen Overview
The Home screen is the starting point for many applications
and functions, and you can pin items like application icons,
shortcuts, contacts, and web pages to your Home screen to
give you instant access to information and applications. The
Home screen is accessible from any menu or application by